Thursday 26 November 2009

Research on Short Films

This is the first short film which i have watched. It is four minuets and six seconds long and the story is only focusing on two main characters and has a very simple story line which is easy to follow.
It is about a doctor who falls in love with a women who is dead. Something that i learnt from this short film is that from just watching this short film i have been able to summerise the story into just one sentence which is what we have done with our film.
Also at the start of this film it tells you that it was made according to Straight8 rules. One 58mm cartridge, no editing, unless on camera.

Another thing which i liked about this film is that the story is so easy for the audience to follow and understand, although i do not like the actually idea of a man falling in love with a dead women. There are not many locations involved and it is very basic however, at the same time very effective.
The genre of this film was a dark romantic comedy.

This short film is a Romantic Comedy, of the same genre we are doing.
I really enjoyed this short film, however it was 12 minuets long and ours is only allowed to be 5 minuets.
This story is about a women and man who both get very drunk at a fancy dress party. They go back to someones house, once they find the key, and the next morning when they wake up neither one of them know who they have slept with and where they are. In the end it turns out they slept at a random couples house. Once they leave the couple have a little romantic kiss and decide they want to go on a date.
I like this story. It has humour's, exciting, mysterious, fun and interesting. In my opinion it made you want to see me, for example i would like it if it was a normal length film and we got too see what happened between them once they left the house. Many people have one night stands and can relate to this however the audience are interested to know who's house this is which draws you into the film.

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