Tuesday 13 October 2009

' Guy falls in love with a girl whose dying'

When we first sat down to start planning our short film we knew the first thing we needed to choose was the genre.
We made a list of a few of our favorite films that we thought we could take ideas from to create our own:

Film Ideas
- Thirteen
- A walk to remember
- Just married
- The girl next door
- 40 year old virgin
- 50 first dates
- Hitch
- What happens in vegas

After deciding our genre : 'Romantic Comedy' we decided to base our film on 'A walk to remember', '50 dates' and the TV series 'One tree Hill'.

Starting ideas:
The main guy in our film comes across as a sports jock, he's bored of his life and decides he wants to find love/ a girlfriend. His friends set him up on sevral dates (all good looking, steriotypical, popular high school girls) however he ends up falling for the geek in his maths class who nobody pays any attention too. As time goes on he discovers her secret (she's dying from lucemia!) His friends are shocked to find out that after all the dates they've set him up on he's fallen for the least expected person witch there not happy about...however they have to choose either to accept it or loose him as a friend?

Charchters in our film:
Main boy - (high school jock)
Main girl - (geek)
Girls for dates ... (how many ?)
Guys friends - (football team..how many?)
Bellow is a timeline we have created to keep us organised and help us with the planning and shooting of our film.

We have now realised that this timeline hasnt been done in enough detail so over the weekend we will create a better one.
A Meme is an idea or creative item that is passes on virally from person to person, to the point where lots of people know about it and are talking about it : Bellow is a clip from youtube that was put on by one person, that hundreds of people have now viewed and passed on.


Thursday 1 October 2009

I have uploaded this picture of 'web 2' because it shows all the different types of web 2 that we have created.